Monday, December 24, 2007

Home for the Holidays

Well, I have arrived home, well I guess I did that a couple of days ago. I drove through the night on Friday night and got home early Saturday morning. After off loading the cat (who was wide awake for the entire drive due to the fact that he did not take his medicine) I went off to see the star of this Christmas for everyone.

Intruducing Lorelai Hope to my Blog. She is just amazing, and so is her mom
After a pretty rough day where the thoughts were probably more like this
She was amazing. She did everything a three week old baby should do.

She cried (see above photo, that should give you the idea)

She Ate

She burped
She opened presents (It is Christmas and Aunt Betsy was visiting


She looked really Cute. She filled a diaper (Which of course meant she got to change her clothes, why not the child has a bigger wardrobe that I do). So, here she is in her very cute Christmas outfit (well one of them)

As described by her mom, she has the greatest pout. I am sure that will come in handy later in teenage years.

And just so he does not feel neglected. Here is Hagrid at Grandmas house

Merry Christmas to All. I will post more as the week goes on.

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