I had misplaced my camera, it has thankfully been found. But MAN what a weekend. I am still winding down from it.
The weekend started picking up two pretty awesome ladies. They had flown in from California. First stop Webs (well Duh)
We did really well. I hadn't planned on spending money. I had to buy needles for my class and then a few things just jumped into my arms. The beautiful Blue o the Right, yup, that's the Madelintosh. mmmmmmmm
I decided to look at some spindles, and got myself a Hi-Lo spindle.

Also in the Warehouse I managed to find this little number.
A Lantern Moon Sling Bag. It is SOOO fantastic for traveling. I LOVE it for commuting already. For $25? It lacks the bonus pockets that most knitting bags have, but it makes up for that in the shape, the sling shoulder, and the perfectly placed smaller pocket for stashing the wallet.

After Webs it was off to Williamstown (FYI, in the famous words of Into the Woods (slightly modified: When going to Webs, know how to get there (it's easy to miss the street) and eat first! After 2.5 hours we were properly hungry.
Then it was off to the retreat. The drive to WIlliamstown was lovely. It got dark on the drive. Probably a good thing for my nerves. Williamstown is in a valley, and there are hairpin, and I mean DEFINITION of hairpin, turns heading into the valley. Had I been able to see the drop off's, I would have been terrified. Thanks to not being able to see the rocks, having great company, driving a great vehicle (thanks Jen) and taking it slow we got their safely, and just in time for dinner.
The Williams Inn is a LOVELY hotel. the have real KEYS!!!! no key cards here, I love that.
After dinner we gathered our stuff, and headed into our meet and greet.
(Oh yeah, we got goodie bags, I'll share that when I get home tonight, you want visuals for those)
Did i mention how amazing Clara Parks is? Being welcomed by her smiling face was simply amazing.
WE spent the evening hearing about other people's projects and their philosophy's on knitting. I think the Kris's was the most popular (As long as I have yarn to knit with I will live forever, then there was Chris of Briar Rose. . . I'm Dyin till I Die. . . . )
After a long day of travel I decided to turn in after the festivities of the night.
Oh yeah, I visited the stash room. don't worry, I will share pictures there as well.
What was my favorite part of the retreat. . . . .
Was it being able to knit at meals without getting funny looks?
Maybe it was hearing "May I touch you?" more than once.
How about "wait wait stop, I have got to show someone what you are wearing?"
Oh, how about having a conversation with Ann Budd, yeah I totally didn't know it was her.
Maybe taking a class sitting next to Melanie Falick (What a classy lady, Man can she sew!!! Seriously, she's got skills with a needle!!!)
Maybe it was people walking up to me and saying "Can I just touch you for luck?"
How about my impromptu spinning lessons
The stash room
the encouragement
Maybe receiving just the encouragement that I need to start designing some illusion knitting projects.
This weekend was truly inspiring. I spent 3 days with people who have a passion for a craft. I miss them all.
Pictures of the goodies to come.