September 8,2001 I purchased my first pair of knitting needles.. I was living in high point North Carolina, and everyone around me was crochetibg. I wanted to knit, so I did.
I know what day it was because it was a Saturday, now known as the Saturday before 9/11.
It was on that day that I called my mom to tell her about my recent purchase, and she told me how sick my boppie was.
Knitting got me through that week, knitting gave me something to do when I quit smoking... Both times.
Knitting brought me closer to a wonderful friend, knitting has brought me more friends, knitting has taught me patience, knitting has given me confidence, knitting for me through one of the most terrible years of my life.
Knitting has given me a way to say thank you to the people that saved my nephews life. Knitting has supported me.
For all of you that have followed this journey with me, I thank you. You have given me so much through the years.