Well to everyone on Ravelry and Facebook who wished me a happy birthday, thank you so much. I certainly felt loved. I had a relatively uneventful day. Work was, well, work. . . What can I say. . . .
After work I got to take advantage of the fact that things actually happen here in Boston, and last night was no Exception. Casey and Jess (Founders of Ravelry) gave a talk at Simmons college. It was incredibly refreshing to hear someone say that a Business can start from a passion. I know that what I want for my long term goal is a few years off, but to know that it can happen makes me very happy.
Of Course I got pictures of people holding my knitting. How nice of you to ask.

It really was a great night. Tonight I will probably be avoiding Boston as much as possible. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy going out and playing, what I don't enjoy is dumb drunk people, I don't tolerate amateur night well. Tomorrow night, however, I will be meeting Kat Von Dee . I am SO excited.
OMG, Guido looks like Torello!
OMG! I'm so glad someone else is making afghans for victory junction! I thought it was just me!
and how'd that meeting with Kat go?? Get any ink?
sadly I did not meet Kat, the line was like a mile long and I was not feeling well.
i am determined to get at least 3 blankets done for VJ Gang.
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