The conversation went something like this.
You game?
Sure, why not, I only just decided to knit all of my co-workers Potter themed hand knits, but why not knit something else.
Challenge: knit Clara Park's one Skein Shawl. MUST be knit with stash yarn, musst alsso include multiple yarns. .
So, I didn't have to think long about the project. Recently I had been organizing my yarns, and I came acorss yarns from projects that I didn't want to get rid of. For whatever reason, I really loved these yarns. I finally put my finger on it with this project. Maybe it was the yarn, maybe it was the project, but these yarns help a special place in my heart.
The finished product is more than I could have imagined it would be. It is beautiful, it is colorful, it is possibly one of my favorite projects.
The first yarn from this project is called Saoirse . This was much more than a yarn. Saoirse is a beautiful little girl who battled cancer alongside her mom.
Sadly, she lost her battle. Her mom and dad have carried on her memory through the Fitzgerald Cancer Fund to raise awareness and funds for Neuroblastoma research. Another Crafty Girl on Etsy created a beautiful colorway to honor Saoirse and support the Fitzgerald Cancer fund. I immediately JUMPED at the chance to get some. I turned the Yarn into 2 hats, and still had more left over. There was never Quite enough yarn for a full project, but the energizer bunny that was this yarn just didn't want to quit.

The hats that came from this yarn, and the final project that this yarn will become (a gift for Saoirse's mom) have always been a joy for me to knit. I know that these hats have gone to children that can share be warmed by the spirit of an incredibly happy child who had n incredible smile and a fierce determination.
This project will be written up in multiple blog posts. More to come. . . .
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