Thursday, January 14, 2016

Short rows how I love the...

When I have a stressful week at work, I always bring along some auto pilot knitting. This is knitting that doesn't take much thought, it's comforting, it's simple, and it produces something that I love... This typically means, short rows... 

I love short row knitting. There, I admit it, I said it. I love short rows. I find them wonderful and magical, from the very first multi directional scarf, to my second and third multi directional scarf. 

Short rows reveal beautiful colors 8! Variegated yarns, and they give you the opportunity to truly enjoy garter stitch. I love short rows.

I don't event like his yarn, in fact I kind of hate it. But short rows make it bearable and wonderful.

I also may have a problem, and it is the almost lost dishcloth... Is there a support group for pattern addiction? 

If there is, please sign me up (but only if it means that I get to keep knitting them..) 

It's been a short row week, and it's been stressful, but wonderful.

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