Saturday, November 24, 2007

Trouble with Fetching

I know that this should be the easiest pattern on the planet, and I am sure that I have dome more difficult patterns than this, but I am having trouble understanding the thumb separating.

Next Round: Using waste yarn, k7; slip these sts back to left needle and k them again using working yarn; work in 4x1 Rib as set to end.

Work 4 more rounds in 4x1 Rib.

Work Cable Round.

Work 4 more rounds in 4x1 Rib.

How many stitches am I putting on Waste yarn, because later on it says.

Carefully remove waste yarn and place resulting live sts on two double-point needles; there will be 7 sts below the opening and 6 sts above. Attach yarn and k the 7 sts on lower needle; using a second needle, pick up and k 2 sts in space between upper and lower needle, k first 3 sts from upper needle; using a third needle, k remaining 3 sts from upper needle and pick up and k 2 sts in space between this needle and lower needle. 17 sts.

Can nayone offer some suggestions, I would really like to get this pattern done tonight.

Right now I have the most interesting house. I have one cat in one room, and she has resigned herself to the life of being in one room.

i just brought my new cat home to where I am house sitting. I have him contained to one room, and he isn't really thrilled about that. He wants to explore.

Then ther eis the dog. She knows that the cat is behind one door, and she an hear the other one crying behind another door. She is beside herself with curiosity.

Any advise would be great.


Nea said...

If you're still having trouble here's what I hear the pattern saying.

You are going to take the waste yarn and use it to knit across the next 7 sts.
Then you slip those 7 stitches back to you left hand needle and knit over them using your working yarn in the 4x1 rib.

When you are ready to pick up the stitches for the thumb part you will have 7 stitches from the bottom where you knit in the waste yarn and 6 loops from above where you knit over the waste yarn.

If you need more help just contact me via my blog or Ravelry (I'm Nea there) and I'll be happy to help.

Unknown said...

Just send you an email with photos and links. Hope that helps!