Sunday, March 30, 2008


In the words of Fannie Flagg. . . . Welcome to the World Baby Girl!!!!
We welcome Charlotte Grace to this wonderful big blue ball.

She was born at 10:58 pm on Friday Maarch 28th. Weighing in at 6 lb 3 oz and 18 inches long. She is beautiful, curious and alert already.

Mom, Baby, Grandma, and all of the many great aunts are doing great. Right now she has been jgiven a number of nick names including Jelly Bean, rubber legs, and little lotte. The one that seems to be sticking is Charlie.

In knitting news, I have started a gift for another little one who will be baptized in May. Pictures to come soon, right now it looks like a big lump of thread, but I know that once it is blocked it will look great .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She's adorable! Your family must be so excited!! I love the name too :) And BTW if you get to come up in May that would be so awesome!