Saturday, April 12, 2008

an update on me (no knitting here)

So first things first, I got my hair done.

I decided that people have been taking things far too seriously. At 13 I was far too insecure to do this to my hair, even though I thought it was pretty cool. I guess at age 32 it is normal to be a bit more secure and able to put bright red streaks in my hair.

Nest, here is my new summertime favorite beer.
Black berry flavored beer. very tasty I must say.

Now, for those of you who thought I was crazy, I guess I am. I have started the first steps towards my lifelong dream. If there is anyone out there who has written a business plan, it would be really helpful right now. I qwill fill you all in more as it hashes itself out. I guess I expected people to try and talk me out of it, but nobody has. Everyone thinks it is actually a good idea. Crazy huh?

Well, I am at work, so I guess I should actually be trying to get some work done (details, details)
That's my life in a nutshell. I will post more about knitting, and gardening, early in the week.


Anonymous said...
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Sunflowerfairy said...

Good for you for getting the ball rolling.

And I LOVE your hair. Very cool.