Sorry, it has been awhile, and I am sure all of you have been anxiously awaiting the next part of the trip home, especially since it includes yarn and Lorelai (she has become quite a staple in this blog)
So On Thursday it was time for a yarn crawl. My mom was set up to watch Lorelai for the day so that
Becca and I could go shopping, but mom got quite ill and could not. So, snacks and stroller in hand we were off.
We started at
Madison Wool. A great store with such a friendly owner (oh, and she loves the baby) I made out like a BANDIT!!!!!!! Cascade 220 wool for $5/skein. Oh yeah, we will do well with that.

Then it was off to a new store for us.
Sit and Knit too in Old Wethersfield. Great Trip. It is a flight up above a garden store, but once the stroller was inside it was great. They were VERY kid friendly in there. A great selection of yarns, lots of patterns, plenty of work space to work on projects, and then there was the bridge. That is their sale section. WOW!!!! I managed to get
yarn for sisters nursing wrap for when baby Fred

arrives, and even in the colors that she wants. Also got some
Debbie Bliss for a neck warmer for me, and even some
lobster pot yarn. Oh, did I mention is was all %50 off. Oh yeah, we love the bridge. What a great day.

After Wethersfield it was off to lunch at Friendly's

Can you believe how big she is gettting!!!!! In case you aren't following along, this was taken at Chrstimas

This was her baptism in April?

And This was just a few weeks ago.

and then to Branford to a new shop, The Yarn Basket (no website yet, sorry). Nice set up, lots of space, stroller friendly. They do something different there that I kind of like. They have baskets around so that you can pick up and fondle the yarn and see the colors, rather than pick through all of the yarn in stock. It is also VERY clear what the prices are. They have cards up above all of the yarns that says the gauge, price, weight, and yardage. I really like that. They have a GREAT Noro collection there. Becca even got something brand new (as of Thursday only 4 people on Ravelry had it) these amazingly bright neon colors. I didn't get anyhting there because it wasn't on the list, but will certainly become a regular there.
We went back home and put little one down for quiet time and waited for Becca's husband home so that we could go to SNB. It was great. What a fun group. Oh, and there was a Tornado warning the entire time we were there, who knew.
Well, that was Thursday. . . . And here is a preview of Friday.

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