Friday, April 27, 2007

end of the semester, and some knitted goodness.

Well, I have lots of knitted things going on. Currently I have 2 projects on the needles. The wedding blanket for my cousin Alison (her wedding is in June so I am hoping that it will be done in tie for me to send it out to her. I do have to get more yarn, i will hopefully get that when I head to CT. So here is the afghan in progress

I also made a wallet for my new camera Pre Felting:

And Post Felting

It fits my camera perfectly now that it is Felted, so that makes me happy. Prior to felting it was too big.

And for the next project, I blame lime and violet completely for this one. I have started the chevron scarf from LMKG. I am using Girly Girl Yarn and size 3 needles.

I am hoping that this will become a very nice light scarf that I can use all year long. I love the colors. The yarn was given to me by
becca last year after I lost my wallet, for the second time. She rocks. Some day I will actually make the bag that she gave me last year for my birthday. I have everything I need to do it. . . . Just need to make things for me more often.
Classes are done YAY!!!!!! now I just have to get packed up and moved. My yarn stash fits in 2 large space saver bags, so the entire stash is coming with me for the summer. You heard me. The whole stash. I know, I am terrible. I just don't like being without it, and since it is managable, why not take the whole thing with me.
OOOOO, any other Gilmore girls fans out there. ABC family is doing a marathon on Sunday, and it is ALL JESS!!!!!!!!! The way it should be. while Logan is growing on me, I will always be a Jess.
okay, that it it for now.


Unknown said...

The afghan looks great! I'm glad to see you're doing a chevron scaraf too - I've got one going with my Hope & Donald yarns, but it seems to be so slooooooow!
See you soon!

Gloria Quincy said...

Love the afghan! I admire your persistence in doing a project that big.

And happy end of classes! I finish this week.

Logan is growing on me, too, in GG. We'll see how he finished the season.