So I walked around the aprtment complex a bit, and started putting up signs. I was so upset. I sat down to print up some more signs and from next to me I hear a VERY loud MEOW. He had come back.
Oh, when I say that the door was opened. It was closed before (not bolted but closed) this cat opened a door and then jumped a 6 foot fence. Oh, and is it an easy door to open, No. . he had to turn a knob!!!!!

In knitting news:
I cast on the Central Park Hoodie on Friday, and all I did yesterday was knit. It was a great day. Here is a picture of it from yesterday

Oh, and in case the cat was blocking your view, here it is again.

If you are thinking of this sweater even as a maybe, just do it. It is so easy. Mind you, I haven't picked up any stitches yet, but I am thinking I can manage. I am really excited about this sweater. I am knitting it in one piece instead of 3. I also plan to do the sleeves wrist up in one piece. I think I am most excited about having a sweater that will actually FIT!!!! I cast on the large because I was just a bit bigger than the medium. BUT, I will be doing everything just a little bi shorter (I have short arms and short torso, really just short everything)
It is so great. If I was ever going to gift a sweater, this would be it because of the ease of it.
Kay, guess that is it for now. Oh, and who is on plurk, my new addiction. Seriously, it is bad.