Monday, December 29, 2008

Fingerless mitts

Fingerless mitts
Originally uploaded by theatreknitter

This is my first complete pair of fingerless mitts for MEEEEEEE!!!!

They are the urban necessity mitts from subway knitter. They are made out of Malabrigo, the emerald colorway I believe. I knit them on 2 circs. I will do some more close-ups for you. I did a simple cable design along the edge of the mitten cap, it helped with the ladders that appeared (no matter how hard I tried) and it also added something nice.

the bind off on the mitten cap is all wrong, but I can live with that.

I will totally do this again. Sure, the fingers are a little annoying, I just won't make gloves for piano players .

t was fun, and I can't wait to show them off tomorrow night at knititng night.

Now I need a project to bring. AAAAA I have nothing on the needles. !!!!

1 comment:

Girl Meets Needle said...

Those came out awesome!!!! I love the colors!